National Endorsements

National Endorsements

Two of the nation’s pre-eminent education improvement organizations have endorsed Different Ways of Knowing and the work of the Galef Institute.

  • Public Education Network (PEN)
    The Galef Institute was voted a Local Education Fund after an evaluation process by the Public Education Network. The Institute joins Local Education Funds across the country with the goal of supporting and challenging public school districts to do a better job of serving low-income families and their children. As a new member organization in Southern California, we shall work collaboratively with two other member organizations, the Los Angeles Educational Partnership and the Alliance for Student Achievement, to strengthen our local school partnerships.

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  • National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform
    Different Ways of Knowing is one of six Comprehensive School Reform designs to receive membership in the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform, an alliance of educators, researchers, national associations, and officers of professional organizations and foundations committed to promoting the academic performance and healthy development of young adolescents.

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